Please consult YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD Customer Service for the CIF of personalized handbags . We provide quotations based on various incoterms. For CIF, the price includes sea freight and insurance to ship the goods to the nearest port of yours. If you are new in international trade or you have very small cargo, CIF is recommended because we will be responsible for arranging the freight and insurance details. But remember, it is limited to the arrived port. From then on, you will have to bear the responsibility for transportation.
Jinxi Bags is a professional and reliable supplier and manufacturer of sling bag. Jinxi Bags's backpacks series include multiple types. Jinxi clutch bag will be tested strictly according to requirements. Its body frame, engine, mechanical components, and other parts will be tested to meet the highest safety and efficiency standards. It is particularly popular among Korean and Japanese customers. Always providing exceptional service for a wide range of waist bag-fanny pack lovers is Jinxi Bags' s commitment.
It's a great aim for Jinxi to be target supplier among the market. Get an offer!