Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd has rich knowhow on production as well as sales of leather duffel bags . We have established a complete production management system, which is aimed at monitoring each production step. Our production capacity is considerable and is enough to fulfill orders.
NIUCUNZH gets the hang of fashion trend and does our utmost to create a international pattern. Marrant provides a wide range of women leather wallet for customers. The product is relatively hypoallergenic. The dyes or chemical additives that would cause allergic reactions have been eliminated and removed during the production stage. It has optional leather styles such as crazy horse leather and crocodile pattern cowhide. The product presented by us is highly acclaimed amid the crowd of customers. The grain pattern in this leather is very taut.
We always require employees to adhere to the principle of hard-working and efficient. We are determined to be a leader in this industry by helping clients create economic value.