The production equipment has been introduced into Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd and has been well running for years. The equipment is operated by well trained workers. The production is stable and flexible. In general, the production is suspended once for maintenance every year.
With the high reputation of our genuine leather bag, our innovation of leather duffle bag sale is also rising. Marrant provides a wide range of women leather wallet for customers. We can provide all size range of genuine leather bag. Its lining, if any, is made of polyester cotton. This product is highly anti-bacterial. Its fabrics will form a strong hydrophobic shield that effectively prevents the build-up of bacteria and germs under wet conditions. The grain pattern in this leather is very taut.
Our goal is to have no accidents and to mitigate impacts on the environment by working with our stakeholders, peers, and others to promote responsible environmental practices and continuous improvement.