The accuracy of order delivered by Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is high. Accuracy means that semi permanent eyebrow makeup delivered to you is true to what has been required by customers. Before shipment, we will confirm the quality and quantity of products with customers. We will confirm the consignee's information including the delivery address, telephone number and so on, making sure the delivery process flawless.
Serving as a reliable brand, Qingmei's business scope mainly covers good false eyelashes. The micropigmentation eyebrows series has become a hot product of Qinmei Cosmetics. Being made by advanced production techniques, Qingmei permanent makeup supplies is delicate in appearance. The product is not easy to fracture. It has a strong performance in resisting extreme cold and extreme high temperature.
We believe that sustainable practices contribute to genuine business success. We strive to protect our environment by using responsibly sourced materials, operating as efficiently as we can, reducing energy use and the carbon emission from our operations and transportation.