Shanghai Zhanxing Industry Co.,Ltd has diversified style preferences. And our infant baby float can be perfectly customized to fit your taste. The product greatly caters to the market fashion trend and adequately reflects the presentation of the innovative technology and great performance.
Zhanxing is the expert of inflatable pool who serves many overseas clients. Zhanxing's inflatable pool series include multiple types. Each production step of Zhanxing pool mattress float is done via a rigorous process, from the mechanical process, the welding process, the spray painting process, and the fitting assembly. This product is not susceptible to degumming. This product is a functional package. Its design has a strong influence on consumers' willingness to purchase and maximizes the profitability of the goods. It has a smooth and comfortable surface with a skin-friendly touch.
We have an environmental-friendly production concept on the mind. We are looking for cleaner materials and create sustainable alternatives to the current packaging materials. All of our production processes are stepping forward a more environmentally acceptable way.