Overall, the output of electronic board in SHENZHEN SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY LTD is stable every month. However, it may change depending on the season (peak or off-season). Monthly production may vary when there are various sizes or colors. Our manufacturing is flexible. It is adjustable if there is an urgent request.
With extensive industry experience and deep specialist knowledge, SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is consistently delivering quality 4 layers PCB beyond the expectation of customers. SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is mainly engaged in the business of ai pcb and other product series. Made by teams of professionals, the quality of SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY prototype pcb fabrication is guaranteed. These professionals are interior designers, decorators, technical experts, site supervisors, etc. Its patterns are designed to be placed at a certain area to make the circuit board work normally. The product has good fiber resilience. When it is pulled to a certain length for a certain time, it can still keep its original shape. Made of environmentally friendly materials, the product is lead-free.
our company sincerely hopes that our customers will succeed in business transactions. Call now!