This is dependent on the order quantity of microblading machine and the production schedule of Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd.. The promise is that the order will be processed as soon as possible. The order is processed in sequence. The production line will working at full capacity when the demand is strong. We take good control over each production process. This takes a certain period.
Qinmei Cosmetics is committed to the production of Aftercare since the day of its establishment. We will show you the Aftercare series that is most popular with customers. No sluggish components are available during the production of Qingmei best microblading needles, because nearly all production stages are strictly under control and inspection, including the inspection of diodes and capacitors. The product provides people with hygiene and healthy bathroom environment where bacteria are hard to grow and spread.
We have established a customer-centric belief system. We aim to deliver a positive experience and providing unparalleled levels of attention and support so that customers can focus on growing their business.