At Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd., we promise that customers can get the most satisfying natural false eyelashes within the appointed time agreed by both parties. As is known to all businessmen, the shorter the lead time is, the more benefits the company brings to customers, and the easier it will be to increase profits for the company. Shorter lead time is beneficial for all parties involved and we do our endeavor to reduce it. Lead time is the time the supplier takes to process an order and receive the shipment. During the process, the first we do is to gain more productivity. This can help improve production efficiency and save us a lot of time. In addition, we track every step of the process and are highly responsive to any problem that may happen.
Under strict quality control and professional management for permanent makeup tools, Qinmei Cosmetics has grown to be internationally famous. Qinmei Cosmetics's main products include permanent makeup supplies series. The product will not have a chemical reaction with its sealed medium. During the designing stage, it is exclusively designed to be compatible with its sealed mediums. This product creates an eye-catching aesthetic. It is a state-of-the-art yet economical way to create breathtaking, beautiful designs.
Our company will actively foster sustainable practices. We will conduct production in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, such as reducing waste gases, polluted water, and conserving resources.