Lead Time is an important factor in Guangzhou Ouyee Display Co.,Ltd. for customer satisfaction. For our customers, the lead time is the time between the order and the scheduled pick-up or delivery confirmed in accordance with our terms and conditions. It depends on the customer and the product. We are able to provide accurate lead times as we have the ability to source, manufacture and assemble internally. And we have good equipment and employee availability. It includes solid total productive maintenance, robust quality systems, proper staffing levels, etc.
With rich experience in the field of pharmacy counter, Ouyee dedicates itself to providing the highest quality products. jewellery shop design produced by Ouyee is very popular in the market. The product has passed a number of quality standards testing and has been certified in various aspects, such as performance, service life and so on. Ouyee display furniture shows stable performance and long service life. The best part of the design process for OUYEE Display is to watch customers use its products with ease and comfort. Branded hardware is used to ensure better quality of our company display furniture.
we aims to become a top-notch retail store fixtures brand with international influence. Contact!