This depends on both production capacity and inventory of microblading tool in Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd.. In fact, the monthly supply is flexible. We may reduce the production when there is an off-season AND may increase the production when there is the peak. You are expected to tell us about the requirements and custom service is available.
For years, Qinmei Cosmetics has been a leader in high performance best fake eyelashes design and manufacture in China. eyelash lift kit series manufactured by Qinmei Cosmeticsinclude multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. The design of the structure makes eyelash lift kit very easy to operate. It is weather resistant. It is able to retain structural integrity and its appearance over many seasons and through a variety of weather conditions.
Our company is dedicated to sustainability. In accordance with our waste management hierarchy, we minimize waste generation and recover any waste that is generated at the highest possible value.