You can easily get to the address from our website and navigate to specific destinations. The path to the SHENZHEN SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY LTD factory can be clearly seen through the electronic screen. If your plan is to visit our factory, you can contact our staff in advance. They are happy to pick you up at the airport and take you to our factory. We sincerely welcome you to travel to us and get to know more about our exquisitely-made pcb board.
After years of continuous development, SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY has become a well-known enterprise in consumer electronics PCB industry. automotive pcb produced by SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is very popular in the market. consumer electronics PCB is manufactured based on high-quality materials. Besides, it is carefully designed by professionals to enhance the comfort. blind and buried vias pcb from SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY sells well in the international market. The product enjoys a high moisture absorption rate.
Our core value is always treating customers with respect and faith. Ranging from all aspects of our business processes, we always adhere to integrity and business ethics. Please contact.