Sofie Bag Co., Ltd. has established our own factory. We are a professional shoulder bag manufacturer equipped with advanced machine and state-of-art technology. We can perform mass production to meet the needs of customers across the world. During the busy season, there could be mountains of orders for us to deal with efficiently in order.
As an integrated producer of running waist pack, Sofie Bag is unique. Our extensive range of specialty products also sets us apart. Various in styles, Sofie Bag's school bag can meet the needs of different customers. We develop Sofie business casual bag as per the specifications laid by customers. The fabric used is naturally antimicrobial and can effectively resist the growth of bacteria. Sofie Bag's service team is highly recognized by the customers. The product provides easy access for people to look for their personal belongings.
We are aware of the importance of sustainable development. We will practice our environmental protection by using science and technology. For example, we reduce the negative environmental impact by introducing a series of eco-friendly facilities.