The production stream and updates manufacturing supplies make Guangzhou Baoli Animation Technology Co.,Ltd. be able to continue to keep an outstanding place in pandora box arcade area. Having a long-term decided effort, we've got drastically reduced prices and strengthened our competitiveness. Efficient manufacturing flow can be understood within our factory.
With stable and sufficient supply of arcade bartop, Baoli has won big trust from customers. The coin operated timer series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. In comparison, the product emits very little heat and consumes a lot less energy than incandescent or halogen bulbs. It is dependable, reliable, jam free, and the most efficient coin acceptor in machines today. Baoli pays high attention to the whole production of redemption tickets to seek high quality. Both arcade push button and joystick can be used in wood or metal control panels.
Striving to be a professionalist of arcade joystick industry is our goal. Please contact us!