Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd possesses a complete quality control system which has been used for decades. The quality control process is aimed at incoming materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Regarding finished products especially, their functionality, service life, etc., are analyzed before delivery. We are going to continue boosting the excellent control and reducing the rejection rate.
It is widely believed that NIUCUNZH has become a well-known exporter on the market. leather chest bag is the main product of Marrant. It is diverse in variety. Processed by advanced lens processing equipment, the optical lens of NIUCUNZH leather rucksack is up to the quality standard in light industry such as illumination transmission capacity. Logos or patterns can be fulfilled by embossing technology. Wearing this product can enhance one's confidence, perception of self, mood, and behavior, and wearers are more positive mindset during their days. It is an ideal gift for male friends on birthday, Christmas, New Year, etc.
With our progress in managing energy, water, and waste, we continue to find ways to reduce the company's impact on the environment and embed sustainability throughout our businesses.