Quanzhou Xinsheng Bags Co.,Ltd has established great storage factory and introduced sufficient abilities, satisfying the needs of customers. With innovative supply chain capacity, we've established a complete sales network to improve assembly, testing, packaging and shipping capabilities to improve the efficiency. As Easy Carry Trolley Bag has gained more and more recognition, we have our own storage capacity to ensure mass production to meet the needs of clients.
The name Xinsheng represents a unique Chinese-style sports backpacks brand. Xinsheng Bags produces a number of different product series, including womens briefcase. The product provides users with stable performance, long service life, etc. Its surface has been processed to withstand any scratches. Xinsheng Bags has great confidence in quality of pencil bag and can send samples to customers. The product features high abrasion resistance ensuring long-term use.
Xinsheng adhere to the concept of leading trolley bag major markets. Inquiry!