Marrant mainly develops, produces, and exports high-quality leather shoulder handbags. Our years'of dedication to this field are market recognized. We will show you the leather rucksack series that is most popular with customers. NIUCUNZH [leather backpack shoulder bag is an innovative design raised by our research and development team. The team is devoting themselves to studying exclusive core technology to create more LED lights suitable for home, medical and commercial usages. The leather used retains the inherent imperfections to showcase natural individuality. The product has been received in many industries, such as packaging, apparels, daily supplies such as curtains, carpet, cloth, etc. Logos or patterns can be fulfilled by embossing technology.

We constantly work with our clients and suppliers to ensure that all our endeavors are strategically and culturally implemented to achieve: economically sustainable development, protection of the environment, and social enrichment. Get info!