Generally speaking, Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd.products have been gaining a good reputation among customers since we put them into the market, for our company’s theory is customer-oriented. And the customers give their feedback about our products from the following aspects. First, the performance, they say the use life of our products is much longer than that of similar products thanks to the high lever raw material and fine manufacturing techniques to complete this product. Second, the appearance. They like the appearance for we provide much more choices to customers by using various kinds of shapes and colors, which can meet the customers’ various demands. Third, price. Although some of the customers express that the price is a litter higher than somewhat of other similar products, they can accept it.
Centering on production of microblading tool, Qinmei Cosmetics has rich and successful experience in exporting. The micropigmentation eyebrows series has become a hot product of Qinmei Cosmetics. The mature production process of Qingmei best microblading needles makes it more valuable. Serving customers with the most professional techniques is a focus in Qinmei Cosmetics .
We perform social responsibility in our business operation. One of our primary focus is the environment. We take steps to reduce carbon footprints, which is good for both the company and society.