There are tens of thousands of manufacturers for eyelet rings in the world, with key manufacturers mainly located in China. We are proud of being listed in the key manufacturers, which may be attributed to our continuous efforts in product innovation as well as customer demand fulfillment. Since DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd's inception, we strive to meet the certification requirements of international accreditation institutions by performing performance tests and quality assurance methods. As such, the product quality is being continuously enhanced to meet the higher demands of the market.
As a company with domestic and global competitiveness, MYJOY Metal Accessory mainly focuses on purse accessories. As one of MYJOY Metal Accessory's multiple product series, UV Disinfection Lamp series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The design of bag chain is something nice to have. Water splashes will not leave water spotting on the surface of the product. It can effectively transport moisture to the outside of the shoe, which together ensures a soft, dry and fresh feel. The product is safe for those with nickel allergy as it contains no nickel.
Winning your eyelet rings is our greatest power to move forward. Get quote!