Superior materials and modern technology are adopted for pandora box arcade. The raw materials vary with items. The very first step in a procedure is frequently the most essential. Therefore, manufacturers in this industry pay great attention to raw materials and never spare raw materials. Changes in the quality of the raw materials used in production often result in changes in the quality of the final product.
Guangzhou Baoli Animation Technology Co.,Ltd. owns a large production base and professional R&D team for multi arcade board. The LCD display monitor series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. The heat sink of the product is designed to effectively draw the heat out of the light and then transfer it into the air. Accepts multi-coins in one coin slot. No need for two acceptors side-by-side. Baoli has formed a unique customer groups and market brand reputation. Both arcade push button and joystick can be used in wood or metal control panels.
The mission of BLEE is to offer the superior arcade buttons for customers. Get an offer!