In China, there are many leather backpack purse factories with independent intellectual property rights. Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd is confident to say that we are one of these manufacturers. Since the inception, we have spent decades developing the technology. We believe that only the enterprise in possession of its own technology can stand firm on the market. Now we are very proud to showcase our achievements. We can make a promise to help minimize the cost while guaranteeing the quality. We are looking forward to partner with the purchasers around the world, and the domestic industry leaders, to together promote the technology and market the products globe-wide.
Our well-equipped factory guarantees our made leather shoulder bag to be produced in a bulk production. Marrant provides a wide range of leather rucksack for customers. Special sizes can be customized in Marrant. The grain pattern in this leather is very taut. This product features easy maintenance. It uses finishes that have good resistance to common solvents and removing certain stains with these solvents is acceptable. It can be designed with added features such as detachable shoulder straps and convenient side pockets.
We put great emphasis on maintaining the highest standards at every stage of our production and we are continuously improving the way our processes impact on our customers, consumers and the world around us.