The raw materials for dental floss have relevance to its unique production technique. It can not be published here. We make a promise that the quality and source of raw materials are all dependable. We've established long-term relationships with numerous raw material providers. Assessing the quality of raw materials is equally as important as controlling the quality of completed products.
Lvsheng Oral Care Products Technology Co.,Ltd. is extremely famous in the toothpick brush industry. As one of Lvsheng's multiple product series, best flossing tools series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. LvSheng dental floss stick is manufactured under close scrutinization by the QC team in terms of quality. Especially the sealing, which directly determines the quality of the product, has to be carefully checked and tested. It is designed and constructed to operate smoothly. The product quality is fine, has passed the international authentication. With a smooth bow design, the product facilitates users' operation.
Producing best dental floss from customer's point of view will make LvSheng stronger. Ask!