The raw materials for dental floss picks have relevance to its unique production technique. It can not be published here. We make a promise that the quality and source of raw materials are all dependable. We've established long-term relationships with numerous raw material providers. Assessing the quality of raw materials is equally as important as controlling the quality of completed products.
Lvsheng Oral Care Products Technology Co.,Ltd. has strong economic and technological strength in producing dental floss toothpick. With sales networks spread all over the world, we gradually become one of the leaders in the industry. Lvsheng has created a number of successful series, and toothpick brush is one of them. To meet the regulatory requirements of the destination market, LvSheng dental floss toothpick has gone through many tests. It has been tested in terms of fiber identification, abrasion or pilling performance, colorfastness, etc. Made of 400D high polymer medical threads, it is noted for its durability. This product has good seam quality. All its seams on the fabric lie completely flat without puckering and are neat, secure, and reinforced. It has a great force of friction for efficient cleaning effect.
Every staff from Lvsheng keeps high quality in mind. Get more info!