The raw materials for telecom pcb are carefully selected by SHENZHEN SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY LTD for manufacturing. They prove to be reliable and no impurities are found, meeting the industry standards. They are safe to use and are easy to store and transport. The raw materials are promptly shipped to our plant to ensure the on-time completion of the volumed quantity order. Specific material checking will be also conducted by our responsible personnel to ensure quality and usability. After all, the quality of raw materials will greatly influence the product characteristics.
Focusing on top quality and professional service for heavy copper pcb, SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is trusted by customers. The telecom pcb series is widely praised by customers. SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY high frequency pcb design is designed with excellent crafts and manufactured by our professional team. The product, made by the highly advanced etching technology, is quite sensitive. Except for complete specifications, our consumer electronics PCB is rich in color. The product has a higher heat insulation coefficient than other similar products in the market.
At present, the company's short-term goal is to increase its competitiveness in the market and gradually stands out in the international markets. Welcome to visit our factory!