DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd handbag labels is of higher quality at an affordable price in the market. The product is priced by many factors including raw materials selection, investment into technology and manpower, etc. We can guarantee the most affordable price of it with its great performance for you.
MYJOY Metal Accessory is a global manufacturing company highly committed to improving the quality of canvas eyelets for many years. The swivel snap hooks is one of the main products of MYJOY Metal Accessory. MYJOY handbag lock, with comprehensive functionality and high performance, is developed by top-class R&D team. The team has spent a lot time developing the new function of this product. Its dimensions are within a tolerance of less than 0.03mm. Without any ultraviolet ray emitted out, this product protects users from the harm of UV which may accelerate the users’ skin to be senile or even cause skin cancer. The product features a high level of acid and alkali resistance.
We bear social responsibility. We understand that our responsibility for the environment goes beyond regulations and legal requirements and are committed to reducing our impact on the environment.