This may be different in different conditions. It is a promise of Quanzhou Xinsheng Bags Co.,Ltd to offer quality Outdoor Trolley Bag at affordable price. In general, it is priced based on the production. Its raw material, production technology, positioning, etc. are all considered. Sometimes there are discounts based on the order quantity. Favorable price is available for a new order.
Xinsheng is proud of being one of the most competitive sports backpacks manufacturers. Xinsheng Bags's mens duffle bag is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. sports backpacks is an excellent and well-made product which is manufactured based on high-quality materials. It has an attractive appearance and strong resistance to acid, corrosion, abrasion, scratch, high temperature, and low temperature. sports backpacks has passed tests of SGS, FDA, CE and etc. Constructed out of dirt-proof materials, the product is easy to clean.
Xinsheng always adheres to the goal of becoming a lunch bag with drink holder manufacturer. Get info!