The SHENZHEN SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY LTD factory is located in the suburb of the city, and it is deemed as the best location for producing printed circuit board as raw materials and other spare parts can be quickly and accurately transported to the factory site. We know that it is crucial to have our factory situated in the appropriate place to reduce transportation expenses and turnover costs. So we spend a lot of efforts to find the best location. The factory address information is provided on the website and social media for customers to access. They can check out our factory on Google Maps and there may be some photos of the factory displayed.
SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is a powerful power supply pcb supplier with heavy investment and advanced technologies. heavy copper pcb produced by SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is very popular in the market. hdi pcb is a good and functional product made of well-chosen and thick materials. It is well-made and high-quality, which makes it more competitive than other products in the same category. This product will never be out of fashion. It is easily dressed up and matched with different styles of garments. The desmear machine and VCP plating line make it be of excellent thickness uniformity.
We always hold on to the principle: consistently optimizing the products under an awareness of anxiety. We will defeat our competitors by providing outstanding product quality. Inquire online!