Most of the time, YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD will select the nearest warehouse port. If you need to specify a port, please contact customer service directly. The port we choose will always meet your cost and transportation needs. Ports close to our warehouse may be the best way to reduce the fees charged.
As a proven manufacturer in China market, Jinxi Bags produces and delivers innovative cute coin purses in the industry. Jinxi Bags's custom bags is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. Jinxi [girls mini backpack undergoes a series of the complicated production processes including washing, photoetching, stripping of photoresist and coating. High quality materials make it dust and dirt resistant. The product is popular in the market currently and can be more widely used in the future. It has optional materials including genuine leather, PU fabric, and composite material.
Jinxi Bags adheres to constant pursuit of top quality. Check now!