In general, if customers have no special requirements, we choose the international ports which are near to our factory, which has been proved to save a lot of time on transportation and cost on labor. As the places where shipments are loaded and secured aboard a vessel, the ports we prefer can provide a wealth of intermodal connections, capacity, and distribution facilities. In addition, the ports have been invested heavily in ensuring that they have an enhanced navigation channel access, reducing landside congestion.
With firm commitment to quality, NINGBO BOOM DEER CO.,LTD. presents a vast collection of Sofa for clients for many years. The kids chair is one of the main products of BOOM DEER. This product is assured with an invincible quality. Its water content in its materials has been processed to a very low level. In Sofa product development, BOOM DEER has a number of industry leading engineers. The formaldehyde content is controlled far below the environmental protection standards.
We hope to guide the development of the bed furniture set market. Check it!