Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory is always committed to product excellence. Yet the growth of new goods isn't random -- It follows an extensive research process, where we concentrate on actual issues that demand better solutions within the area. After determining what the market requirements, we design a strategy which caters to your own favor. Our long record of slow close drawer slides has innovated the business.
HeYing Slide Rail is a company integrating production, scientific research, sales and service. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's stainless steel ball slides can meet the needs of different customers. To make HeYing Slide Rail aluminum table slides more competitive in the market, all the production procedures are meticulous in planning. For example, the raw materials used in this product are sourced under qualified criteria in the office supplies industry. Its widened manganese steel spring can disperse force when it's closed. This product improves the quality of sleep as it will ideally repel moisture, keep allergies at bay, and hold up to years of use. It can be customized for different mounting types.
We attach importance to our responsibility towards the environment. During production, we have made all efforts to in the reduction of wastes, carbon emission, or other kinds of contaminants.