Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd has produced many goods like laptop Bags , that can be of great relevance to us. Each year we invest heavily for their development. To be able to fight against infringement, we've applied for patents and certification.
Marrant is highly efficient in developing and producing leather shoulder bag. We have a strong presence in this industry. We will show you the real leather wallet mens series that is most popular with customers. The product has a long service life. Its full-shield design better helps avoid the leakage problem, which more perfectly prevents its components from damage. The texture of its leather will change with time, exhibiting an antique effect. People can find this product is widely applied in many items, ranging from bedding to bath, kitchen and table fabric items, and most obviously, apparel. It is odourless with quality breathable leather.
In order to be socially responsible, we have made a plan for energy conservation and emission reduction and we will continue to carry out the plan all the time. So far, we have achieved progress in emission reduction during our production. Get an offer!