Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd provides a wide range of services along with leather purses shoulder bag . After the products are delivered to customers' hands, the time for after-sales service has started. We have set up an after-sales service department consisting of experienced staff. In office hours, they are always passionate about their work and highly responsive to customers. In terms of the questions such as the how-to-use and how-to-maintain products, they can answer questions accurately and efficiently by virtue of their profound knowledge of the products.
NIUCUNZH is a mature enterprise which integrates developing, designing and manufacturing real leather wallet mens. Marrant provides a wide range of leather briefcase for customers. The good-looking appearance of leather briefcase has caught the eyes of more customers. It is designed to withhold regular use and stand up to everyday wear and tear. This product is anti-bacterial. Having gone through special surface treatment, it shows effective activities against bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. It comes in all shapes and sizes according to its intended use.
Our current goal is to enlarge foreign markets. To achieve this goal, we will invest more in introducing and cultivating talents, and improve the overall manufacturing competence and product quality.