Though we ensure a high pass rate of baby towel thanks to our strict quality control system, there may be some imperfections found owing to the minor incidents occurring during the shipment. In such cases, customers should take some photos of the product with a focus on the imperfections. Once we have confirmed the fact with you through email or phone, we will rapidly ship another product with premium quality to guarantee your interests. Customers can also check out our warranty policy to learn about our compensation terms and conditions.
Foshan Nanhai Ruifu Qifeng Towel Industrial Co.,Ltd has decades of successful experience in quick dry towels marketing and development. Ruifu Qifeng Towel provides a wide range of beach towel series for customers. Ruifu Qifeng quick dry towels can be customized through manufacturing facilities. The towel features good light fastness and heat resistance. This product has specific and constant physical properties. Its atoms, ions or ionic groups are exactly and uniquely arranged to form a stable structure. It contains no harmful chemicals and is safe to use.
We manufacture products through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources.