Please contact us immediately once you have found the imperfections of handbag labels. If you have received our second-best product,we will arrange professional staff to verify it. Return of goods or exchanging goods service is provided for you. Before shipment, we will conduct strict test on each product to ensure the quality of product. We pay close attention to the sales service, which can solve problems including handling imperfections of the goods.
DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd is growing steadily with increased market share after years of devotion in the UV Disinfection Lamp manufacturing industry. The swivel snap hooks is one of the main products of MYJOY Metal Accessory. When designing MYJOY handbag hardware, the design team invests plenty of time in market research and designs a product that is more superior than others. It shows high tensile strength in the face of impact and collision. Adopting a cold light source, this product can stave off thermal radiation. Because the product has an intelligent adjustment to the temperature and strong heat dissipation capacity, it can protect people from the harm of heat radiation. With strict quality control methods adopted, the product passes the relevant tests to gain CE and SGS.
The goal of our company is to provide perfect product quality to win the trust of our customers at home and abroad.