Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd is capable of adapting to people's needs for leather backpack shoulder bag flexibly in the changing market. We are well-known in this field. We will show you the genuine leather wallet series that is most popular with customers. According to the safety standards, NIUCUNZH leather bags manufacturer has passed the high surge voltage test. In order to protect its inner components from damage caused by lightning strikes and tripped circuit, this product is strictly designed in the endurance of surge voltage. Its leather does not peel off or crack. The product is highly energy efficient. When it is not in use, it can automatically stand by to help minimize power consumption. It exhibits stain resistance to some extent.

Our company is working hard to reduce the impact of our activities and of our products on future generations. We make full use of the sourced resources during the production and extend the products' life. By doing this, we have confidence in building a clean and pollution-free environment for the next generations. Inquire online!