Please contact us immediately once you have found the imperfections of rfid key fob. If you have received our second-best product,we will arrange professional staff to verify it. Return of goods or exchanging goods service is provided for you. Before shipment, we will conduct strict test on each product to ensure the quality of product. We pay close attention to the sales service, which can solve problems including handling imperfections of the goods.
In order to expand the trade, Shenzhen JLTcard Co. Ltd has been always exploiting the international market to spread our high quality clamshell card. clamshell card is one of JLTcard's multiple product series. The cost-saving design phase of JLTcard clamshell proximity cards reduces the production costs. Wearing shoes made of this material means maximum comfort for feet. People won’t feel like walking miles in heavy shoes that cause pain and discomfort.
We emphasize on environment sustainability. We are making efforts to realize sustainable development by reasonably handle wastes, fully utilize resources, and so on.