Handbag lock is made in strict line with the international standards as well as domestic standards based on the certification requirements of the product category. The product materials basically meet high requirements, including the dimension, quantity and percentage. The finished part is also detailedly tested to examine whether the properties surpass the required value in the overall performance. Once the product is used, it can maintain its functionality and reliability in the long-term use.
DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd is a leading expert in handbag lock manufacture in China. eyelet rings is the main product of MYJOY Metal Accessory. It is diverse in variety. swivel snap hooks is a result of Chinese workmanship – from design engineering through to fabrication. Its production only relies on highly qualified staff and on state-of-the-art facilities. It has the ability to tolerate greater tension than other suchlike. People can enjoy the beautiful light of this product. there is little possibility that they will be distracted by the hot spots or glare of this product. Its quality has been recognized by BOSS, COACH, Dunhill, Paul Smith and other renowned brands.
MYJOY is committed to offering the best service for customers. Get an offer!