The damaged dental floss picks will be returned and quality ones will be re-supplied. We will find out the reasons for the damage. We have signed contracts with the forwarders, to guarantee the rights during the service.
Lvsheng Oral Care Products Technology Co.,Ltd. is the world's leading producer in the field of interdental toothpicks. Lvsheng has created a number of successful series, and dental floss stick is one of them. It is very durable. The durability of this product is represented by the smooth seam design and all reinforced weak joints. Being gentle to the skin, the product will cause no damage to the gingival tissues. The product does not harm the human body. People can rest assured that any dye molecules or heavy metal ions are all removed during the fabric treatment. The product is highly recommended by many dentists.
Lvsheng upholds the idea that quality and technology are key factors for long-term development. Call!