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Established years ago, Marrant is proud of our reputation as a leading manufacturer of leather backpack shoulder bag in China. The leather briefcase series is one of the main products of Marrant. NIUCUNZH genuine leather bag has an improved heat sink developed by our R&D team. The R&D team has carried out many experiments on the heat sink for years, and now we create optimized heat sinks which feature quick heat dissipation. It is odourless with quality breathable leather. The product is widely used in the upholstery, medical, packaging, construction, garment, agriculture, health care or other applications. Its leather has the ability to fend off scuff marks.
We respect every one of our employees. We place employees at the heart of our concern, respecting in their diversities, including gender, age, disability, origin, and ability. We provide them equal and corresponding treatment. Get price!