You can easily know the address from our website and get access to the specific destination by navigation. The path to SHENZHEN SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY LTD factory will be shown very clearly on the electric screen. If your plan is to visit our factory, you can get in touch with our staff beforehand. They'd love to pick you up at the airport and take you to our factory. We sincerely welcome you to pay a trip on us and have a deeper knowledge of our specialist employee and exquisite printed circuit board, etc.
SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY has expanded and earned a solid reputation for providing high-performance backplane pcb. blind and buried vias pcb produced by SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is very popular in the market. industrial pcb has all the features that matter on board. It has gained the recognition of Tesla, Volkswagen, and Harley-Davidson. Wearing this garment can create a better impression of the wearer in other people. Unlike ordinary men’s clothes, it can help one create an impact on others. The product can be served with OEM service.
In order to create a healthy and sustainable living condition for the next generations, our company is trying best to protect the environment. We handle all the scrap, waste gases, and wastewater strictly in line with relevant regulations. Get more info!