Our working hours are from 9 am to 6 pm (Beijing time). You can send us an email at any time, we will reply as soon as possible. If we do not respond on time, we ask for your understanding. Outside of working hours, we will do our best to meet your requirements through our phone and email.
Assisted from the high quality employees, INDUSTRIAL-MAN enjoys a good reputation among the market. Industrial-man technology development Co.,Ltd.'s cnc engineering series are created based on unremitting efforts. INDUSTRIAL-MAN rapid mold is professionally designed. The Reverse Osmosis Technology, Deionization Technology, and Evaporative Cooling Supply Technology have all been taken into considerations. Material waste is kept to the absolute minimum at INDUSTRIAL-MAN. The product is odor-free. Made of moisture-wicking materials, it is able to eliminate any odor by allowing the air to permeate freely. The wide variety of materials and post-processing options are provided by INDUSTRIAL-MAN.
To create a sustainable society, we have developed and implemented a strategy to guide our production activities to greener and more environmental-friendly way.