You can get to know the order status of your incense factory through different channels including our website, customer service team and so on. We have professional and responsible after-sales team, who have always been following the status of order once the product is transported, and they will keep you informed timely. We have always been working with trustworthy forwarders to transport goods and we are able to offer Bill of Lading to customers as well.
By adhering to high quality, Jiangmen Kingyo Incense Industries Co.,Ltd has become a reliable producer of incense joss stick. Kingyo's wholesale incense series contains multiple sub-products. The product has very high ratings when it comes to CRI. Its light is close to the daylight's value, reflecting colors truly and naturally. The ingredients allow it to burn evenly and reduce black smoke. Quality guarantee system has been improved in Kingyo over the years. With a suitable ratio of water and ingredient, it has good toughness and gloss.
KingYo has been resolving to be an influential company among meditation incense sticks market. Get price!