Generally, we offer broom filaments along with warranty service, within a limited period. Within the warranty period, if there is any quality problem due to poor workmanship or others caused by us, contact us. We offer return, replacement, as well as maintenance services. If the problems happen after the warranty expires or are caused by your improper use, you can also contact us. We will try our best to solve your problem, which is what our after-sales service is for.
FOSHAN NANHAI LISHUI XINGJUN JIXIANG PLASTIC FACTORY, with a wealth of experience in manufacturing bristles on a brush, has been regarded as one of the industry leaders in China. Various in styles, JIXIANG's pet monofilament can meet the needs of different customers. The processing of Jixiang brush filament consists of four basic steps: mastication, mixing, shaping of the viscous mass, for example, by extrusion or molding, and curing. It is always updated based on innovation to meet the changing demands. The product features great thermal dissipation. It is capable of absorbing and transmitting heat under the proper ventilation. It is non-toxic and safe, doing no harm to human beings.
JIXIANG always lists the needs of customers as the number one. Inquire online!