The problem will be solved efficiently if you contact our after-sales customer service department. The user experience has always been the focus of Paili Technology CO.,LTD. We have set up a complete set of scientific and value-added plans to deal with various unexpected problems, thereby, meeting the needs of users for product use. If the product can't work normally, please contact us in a minute. We have a professional after-sales maintenance team, a technical support team, and an inspection test team, the members of which are all committed to ensuring the high quality of each video door phone.

As a manufacturer with many years of experience, Paili is proud to bring products such as home intercom system wired to the market. Paili focuses on providing a variety of video doorbell for customers. video doorbell's internal structure endows it with well performance such as home intercom system wired. Paili has many years of production and management experience.

Our ultimate goal is to achieve lean production which reduces waste across the board. We try to streamline the processes and maximize efficiency, aiming to control the production scrap to a low amount.