You have a great idea on flue gas hot water heater and also have done its research and understands it could promote such a product, but do not really know how to design it or don't have the manufacturing capacity to make it. You may turn to ODMs. Guangdong Motu Electrical Appliance Industry Co., Ltd. is such a producer. Typically, ODMs also fabricate the product they design and their clients get the products branded in their own names and offer them in the market. In the case of an ODM, you might have little to no control on product specifications and so you need to set adequate parameters and frameworks in which the ODM needs to work.

Today, Motu still dedicates to serve all of the customers' needs on gas hot water heater camping even it has become a leader in this industry. Motu's camping water heater series include multiple types. Made of high-quality phosphor, it features good chrominance, which means that the product can emit illumination with purer and uniform light colors. Developing Motu needs the support of professional customer service.

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