In the past years, EFG Fiberglass Materials has grown into a highly professional manufacturer of fiberglass tape roll. We have been considered as the preferred partner in the industry. EFG Fiberglass Materialsis mainly engaged in the business of filter material and other product series. The development of EFG Fiberglass Materialsnon woven fiberglass mat has taken different factors into consideration. It is developed considering appropriate power, load current capability, supply voltage, harmonic, or other key factors that affect power source utilization. It has the ability to resist acid, alkali and other media. The dehydrating process will not cause any Vitamin or nutrition loss, in addition, the dehydration will make the food richer in nutrition and enzymes concentration. Being resistant to harsh environments, it can be used both indoors and outdoors.

our team upholds the true needs to every customer and aims to produce perfect fiberglass composite. Get an offer!