Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory is mainly for foreign markets, and downstream companies can use it for further manufacturing. The brand is positioned as high quality, reasonably priced products. This is the basis for customer selection. High-end products can be developed under HeYing Slide Rail and the customers can be found.
Over the years, HeYing Slide Rail has been dedicated to the R&D, design, manufacturing, process improvement and innovation of high-performance table extension slides. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's stainless steel ball slides can meet the needs of different customers. The driver of we [aluminum table slides can directly transform the electricity into light by connecting one side of its chip to the cathode and the other side to the positive pole of the power source. The product is not susceptible to deform or crack. This product has many features. Compared with similar products, the luster is better, and the feel is more comfortable and soft. The product has passed the salt spray test.
We spare no efforts to avoid causing devastating influence on the environment, especially pollution. For instance, we only use the materials that will not contribute to environmental degradation in an effort to avoid contamination.