Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd has been supplying leather business bag for several famous brands. For years, we have produced our partners the maximum priority. We're pretty certain in our capacity to come up with value for spouses, so confident our products will increase partners' profitability. The innovative systems and processes help us cultivate stronger connections with our partners.
Since establishment, Marrant has been an active role in the design and production of genuine leather briefcase. We are widely accepted in the industry. The leather rucksack series is one of the main products of Marrant. The product has a self-protective function. When there is a malfunction, it can automatically diagnose and show what's wrong with itself. The texture of its leather will change with time, exhibiting an antique effect. One of our customers says the product helps solve the problem of rising electrical costs and reduce his dependence on the local utility company. The leather is treated with wax for water-repelling.
We have always been a pioneer in environmental issues. We have a comprehensive environmental program including production, distribution, and recycling. Get quote!