The freight of leather bags manufacturer sample is typically paid by customers. Please understand that we receive a large number of sample orders per day. It will cost us large money to run samples, pack it, and ship it. The cost of delivery usually depends on the weight and size of the packaged item. If you have no urgent requirements on the delivery date, using EMS may be the cheapest option. But different shipping companies companies offer different shipping options - some are more expensive than others - depending on the target date you receive the product samples.
Years of solid development has made Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd a reputable company in China. We have grown into an expert in offering mens leather wallet sale services. We will show you the leather shoulder bag series that is most popular with customers. The product has remarkable hardness. It is made of metal materials which have excellent mechanical properties such as high hardness and strength. It is made of full-grain cowhide leather. This product is meaningful in cutting down people's energy consumption from the perspective of the financial and environmental viewpoint. Its leather does not peel off or crack.
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