As one of the best manufacturers and distributors of leather backpack shoulder bag in China, Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd can supply the best product for a specific application. We will show you the genuine leather bag series that is most popular with customers. The color tolerance of NIUCUNZH leather shoulder bag is closely related with the accuracy of color temperature, and the product has been tested and verified that its standard deviation of color matching is kept within 5(SDCM≤5). Its accessories are made of strong hardware which will not bend under pressure. The product possesses the right refractive index and Abbe value. Its lenses have the right type of raw materials and additives. It is not susceptible to environmental factors such as mud, dirt, and grit, therefore suitable for trekking and other outdoor activities.

We constantly work with our clients and suppliers to ensure that all our endeavors are strategically and culturally implemented to achieve: economically sustainable development, protection of the environment, and social enrichment. Get quote!