Video intercom from Paili Technology CO.,LTD sometimes is priced higher as a high level of materials/components is used. And if we price it too low, we would not be able to gain sufficient returns from our business venture. Rest assured that the price is negotiable. Our company always works smartly and observes the market to create a good foundation for the business between us and customers. The pricing of our company mainly depends on all the costs that go into sourcing the raw materials, manufacture, and distribution. Customers requirements, such as order quantities and customization needs, are also taken into consideration.
Paili is one of the most competent manufacturers of home intercom system wired in China. We are getting known in the international market. Paili focuses on providing a variety of video doorbell for customers. The product is characterized by electromagnetic compatibility. It has passed EMC tests in the aspects of conducted disturbances immunity, power interference, and immunity to induced voltages. After years of exploration and practice, Paili has established perfect quality control system.
We consider competences and professionalism as some of the most important virtues in the development of new products. We work closely together with our customers as partners in projects, where we can provide the team with our “industry know-how”.